“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.”

~ William James

The Power of Influence

Do you know how much POWER your influence has? I went to the dermatologist this week, and was once again reminded of the influence I have on others. As I reflect on the conversation I had with my doctor and the genuine comments she made about me, I can’t help thinking about just how much all women influence others more than we may realize. 

I may not have a big following just yet, but honestly, don’t we all influence those around us in some way? 

We have those who look to us for inspiration in how we dress, fix our hair or makeup, how we walk and carry ourselves. But not only that, people watch our attitude! Have you thought about that? How you greet (or don’t greet) others, the small talk with a cashier or other people waiting in line. Do you take the time to help others reach an item on a high shelf, or are you in such a hurry that you don’t have time for others? 

Oh yes, we all influence others in many ways!

And if you have raised children, you know the influence you have on them!  Good or bad, they absorb it all.  What we choose to do and say each and every day impacts others in some way.  

People are observing you every day and YOU can have a HUGE influence on THEM.

What message are you sending out? Is it one you would be proud of or one you might be ashamed of? 

I think we need to be more aware of what message we are sending others! 

Have a fabulous week my friends!

Let's Talk Ginger Porter Let's Talk Ginger Porter

Getting Direction in Your Life

Instead of thinking “resolution”, how about TRANSFORMATION? Developing and acquiring new skills and stepping out of our comfort zone to reach our full potential. Doesn’t that sound better? Working on DEVELOPING ourselves in a positive manner rather than proclaiming we are going to do something that we have no intention of doing.

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Let's Talk Ginger Porter Let's Talk Ginger Porter

The Steps of a Staircase

Here we are, the beginning of a NEW year! Do you find that to ge encouraging or exhausting? For many people, January 1st each year is a time to start over. A FRESH start. It’s like we consider a calendar year as being broken down into 12 chapters and those 12 chapters become a book with the year as a title “Mama P 2023”. There is a beginning and an end to each book, but many STORIES occupy those pages. There is not just one beginning though, we have so MANY beginnings throughout the year.

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Let's Talk Ginger Porter Let's Talk Ginger Porter

Starting Over - Don’t Let the Past Control Your Future!

Life happens in stages, phases, chapters, whatever you want to call it, and none of them last forever. Stages and phases are typically used to describe the DEVELOPMENT of something, whether a human, animal, plant, etc., but they can both be used for adults as well since throughout life we are developing - mentally, physically, socially. And every phase of life has a LESSON to teach you. You need to learn the lessons and grow from them, but then let go of that phase so you can move on in your GROWTH and focus on the present phase of your life. Live, learn, and move on.

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Let's Talk Ginger Porter Let's Talk Ginger Porter

Let’s Talk…..How Will You Be Remembered?

Do you ever feel like “will anybody ever remember me when I’m gone?”? I have that feeling swirl its way through my THOUGHTS every now and again. I’m not really sure why. I guess it’s just that sometimes I feel like I’m just going through the MOTIONS. I wake up and go through pretty much the same MUNDANE routines each day and then I go to bed only to do it again. That’s okay, there’s a lot of beauty in ORDINARY days. But I know there’s a reason for me being here, a PURPOSE God has for me in the big picture of life.

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Let's Talk Ginger Porter Let's Talk Ginger Porter

Let’s Talk…..What Are You Passionate About?

PASSION, according to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is an intense, driving, or overmastering feeling or conviction, OR a strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object, or concept. Are you passionate about something? Just think of the INFLUENCE someone can have because of their own personal passion for something.

So WHAT are you passionate about? What is it that brings you JOY and fulfillment?

I think Jon Bon Jovi says it the best: “Nothing is as important as passion. No matter what you want to do with your life, BE PASSIONATE.”

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